Getting you ready for the ‘Greatest Snow On Earth’
We all know Utah has the ‘Greatest Snow on Earth,’ and skiing is one the best ways to get out and enjoy it. Floating on fresh powder or taking some smooth groomed turns is a magical experience. However, if you aren’t prepared, your time on the mountain might not last too long. Skiing can be physically demanding and if you aren’t in good shape you could get exhausted quickly and increase your risk for injury. To help you prepare, here are a few exercises you can do to be ready for the slopes.
The deadlift is one of the best compound exercises there is. It will work on your lower back, hamstrings, quads, calves and arms.You can do this exercise with or without weights.It not only helps you get stronger but is the ideal exercise to increase your power.
Power is very important when you are out on the slopes. It is what will help you push through the turns or tackle those moguls. You can do any variation of the deadlift since they will lead to the same result. Strong legs are not only necessary for movement in skiing, but for stopping as well, which can be equally as important.
Squat Jumps
Squat jumps are also a compound exercise that works your entire body. It is not only a compound exercise but a plyometric exercise as well working on your power or explosion. Developing the explosive power in your quads and glutes will help you every time you push off. Squat jumps will also help your balance as your legs get used to landing unevenly, which is very important to avoid any unfortunate crashes.
Wall Squats
Adding wall squats to your workout will help to replicate the seated position you’ll want to be in while skiing. Wall squats will help build endurance so you can make it from the top of the mountain to the bottom without becoming too tired. Try seeing how long you can stay in the wall squat before your legs start to wobble.
Plank Variations
The core is the source of all the body’s power and stability. A strong core will help you maintain your centerline when skiing especially when making turns. You should perform the plank daily and to keep it interesting you can perform different variations every day. Planks will not only strengthen your core but also burn belly fat.
Lateral Jumps
A lot of skiing involves jumping or shifting your weight from side to side. Lateral jumps are the closest exercise you will get to mimicking lateral movements out on the slopes. You can get creative too and vary the distance and heights of the jumps so that your leg muscles get accustomed to all types of movement you can expect out on the snow. You can add weights to your lateral jumps if non-weighted ones become easy. Variety assists your muscles by helping them not be complacent by giving them new challenges.